
也開放Guest Post,但Guest Post不會在首頁上出現(絕對會被Google索引,但不影響到聯盟行銷為原則日期會被擺在首頁第一頁貼文的日期之前。)




由於本站一個月大約有500~1000個不同的真人訪客,所以一個月的廣告費需要500 USDT(目前僅接受以加密貨幣付款),如果有Payoneer或者PayPal付款則需要負擔手續費。

最後是Guest Post:

由於本站會非常活躍的貼真實的貼文,所以在Google搜尋引擎看來是真實的部落格,收費在 100 USDT 一篇,可以三個不同錨定文字的連結,文章最多2000字請自備。





Our site is open for various commercial proposals, including proposals with revenue sharing for affiliate marketing or advertising with a fixed fee.

We also welcome Guest Posts, but they will not appear on the home page (it will definitely be indexed by Google but placed before the date of the first post on the home page to not affect affiliate marketing).

Let’s talk about the principles of affiliate marketing:

Mainly focused on tech products, the share of revenue should not be less than 30%. For other products, we would evaluate whether they can be sold, apologies if they cannot.

Next comes fixed-fee advertising:

Since this site has approximately 500-1000 unique human visitors per month, the monthly advertising fee needs to be 500 USDT (currently we only accept cryptocurrencies). If you make a payment through Payoneer or PayPal, the processing fee needs to be borne.

Lastly, regarding Guest Posts:

Our site actively posts authentic content, so it appears as a real blog in Google’s search engine. The fee is 100 USDT per post, which can include up to three different anchor text links, and maximum word count is 2000 words.

We accept posts in both Chinese and English, other language discussions can be held.

We focus on high quality, guaranteeing the post will not be removed for 3 years, but it won’t appear on the homepage.

We do not accept posts related to adult content or gambling websites.

If interested, please contact us using the form below.